So it begins...
Marking out the site
Cristina investigates
"My border will go here!"
Field of Dreams
Herbaceous Border
So it begins...
So it begins...

Site visit to Hatfield House gardens. Julie Dowbiggin places the first marker flag for the Game Fair Show Garden. 29th March 2019.

Marking out the site
Marking out the site

(L to R) Assistant dog, Site surveyor, Andrew Smith, Cristina Garcia-Mora, Julie Dowbiggin. The Site Surveyor explains to us the marking out process using GPS technology to accurately place marker flags. 29th March 2019.

Cristina investigates
Cristina investigates

Cristina pacing out the measurements and checking that everything is in order with her plot.

"My border will go here!"
"My border will go here!"

Andrew is excited by the prospect of turning a field into a show garden.

Field of Dreams
Field of Dreams

Marking out has been completed, with flags plotting the positions of the paths and borders. 3rd May 2019

Herbaceous Border
Herbaceous Border

The area for the Herbaceous Border is marked out. 3rd May 2019