Section B Commences
Round the corner
All volunteers welcome
Long view
Section B progresses
Section B Complete
Section B Commences
Section B Commences

A large number of volunteers descend on the border for the start of Section B planting. 8th July 2019.

Round the corner
Round the corner

Planting moves around the corner, with the raised curve of the bank helping to display the different planting groups. The curved shape of the drifts follows the line of the border edge. 10th July 2019.

All volunteers welcome
All volunteers welcome

Ted the dog inspects the progress. 10th July 2019

Long view
Long view

View along the length of Section B and A. 10th July 2019.

Section B progresses
Section B progresses

Team Capel hard at work along the back of Section B. 10th July 2019.

Section B Complete
Section B Complete

Finished view of Section B. 11th July 2019